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Keynotes, Papers and Policy Briefs

Keynotes, Papers and Policy Briefs

Papers and Policy Briefs

Two Students

"The Role of Native Languages and Cultures in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Student Achievement"
A state of the field policy brief (24 pp.) by Teresa McCarty, Alice Wiley Snell Professor of Education Policy Studies and professor of applied linguistics; co-director, Center for Indian Education; School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University, July 2011. View the PDF


Two Adults

"The Next 50 Years for ASU's Center for Indian Education—Revisiting History and Engaging the Future," editors' introduction to The Journal of Indian Education, volume 50, number 2, 2011 (an overview of the CIE directors' formal presentation at the Center for Indian Education's re-launch event, May 2011). View the PDF


Keynote Addresses

Dr. Monty Roessel

"Preserving the Past to Secure the Future: The Center for Indian Education—The Next 50 Years," keynote address, Center for Indian Education re-launch celebration, Dr. Monty Roessel, superintendent, Rough Rock (Navajo) Community School, May 6, 2011. View the PDF