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Publications of the Center for Indian Education

Publications of the Center for Indian Education

Postsecondary Education for American Indian and Alaska Natives (Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, Amy J. Fann, Angelina E. Castagno, Jessica A. Solyom, eds., 2012, 152 pp.) $29.00 each. Order by visiting Wiley Online Library

American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) students continue to be significantly underrepresented in institutions of higher education and continue to face barriers that impeded their academic success. This volume explores the factors that influence college going in Indigenous communities and, upon enrollment in institutions of higher education, the factors that influence college completion. Chapters cover the legacy of Western education in Indigenous communities, the experience of Indigenous students in the K-12 system, transition from student to faculty of AI/AN graduates and recommendations that can improve the success on Indigenous students and faculty. 

A Handbook for Teachers of Navajo Children: Training for All Teachers (AnCita Benally, ed., 2005, 171 pp.) $10.00 each plus $3.00 shipping/handling ($13.00 total).

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, this handbook is designed to inform teachers about the current situation of Navajo language and the language needs of students attending schools on the Navajo Reservation. The intent of the book is also to provide teachers with information about Navajo language and culture that will help them understand the social, political and social background of their Navajo students.

The Power of Native Teachers: Language and Culture in the Classroom (David Beulieu and Anna M. Figueira, eds., 2006, 156 pp.) $10.00 each plus $3.00 shipping/handling ($13.00 total).

This collection features findings from the Native Educators Research Project, designed to produce a constructive model for the preparation of effective Native teachers. A rich resource for practitioners and university-based educators, this collection features “Issues Facing New Native Teachers” (Jon Reyhner), “Defining the Context of Language and Culture in Native Communities” (Tim Begaye), “Re-envisioning Indigenous Teacher Education” (David Beaulieu), and “Exercising Our Power as Native Teachers” (Jennifer Johnson). Appendices include concrete resources for enhancing Native American education.

One Voice, Many Voices – Recreating Indigenous Language Communities (Teresa L. McCarty & Ofelia Zepeda, eds., with Victor H. Begay, Stephanie Charging Eagle, Sarah C. Moore, Larisa Warhol, and Tracy M. K. Williams 2006, 505 pp.) $10.00 each plus $3.00 shipping/handling ($13.00 total).

This volume echoes the voices from the 1999 Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Conference (SILC) co-chaired by the book’s editors. Included are discussions of language status planning—determining how and where the Indigenous language will be used; corpus planning—creating new forms and materials for Indigenous languages; and acquisition planning—strategies for promoting language use within families, communities, and schools. Chapters cover descriptions of successful language revitalization programs, language documentation, research foundations for language and programs, assessing and credentialing Native speaking professionals, and a wealth of language teaching materials and ideas that can be adapted to a wide variety of needs and contexts.

Indigenous Languages Across the Generations—Strengthening Families and Communities, Mary Eunice Romero-Little, Simon J. Ortiz, and Teresa L. McCarty eds., with Ran Chen,  2011, 326 pp., $20 plus $3 shipping/handling ($23.00 total)

This 21-chapter volume grew out of the 16th annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium held at Arizona State University in 2009. Included are keynote addresses by K. Laiana Wong, Lily Wong Fillmore, Renee Grounds, and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, as well as case examples from Africa, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Canada, Latin America, Russia, and the United States. Together, the chapters provide a treasure trove of lessons for "strengthening families and communities" through language revitalization. 

Most publications can be purchased directly from the Center for Indian Education. Please make checks and purchase orders payable to "Arizona State University" and send to:

The Center for Indian Education
American Indian Studies
Arizona State University
Payne Hall, Suite 302
PO Box 871311
Tempe, AZ 85287-1311

Email with any questions.


Most publications can be purchased directly from the Center for Indian Education. Please make checks and purchase orders payable to "Arizona State University" and send to:

The Center for Indian Education
American Indian Studies
Arizona State University
Payne Hall, Suite 302
PO Box 871311
Tempe, AZ 85287-1311

  Email with any questions.