Teresa L. McCarty is an educational anthropologist and applied linguist who has worked in the field of Indigenous education for more than 30 years. She is currently the G.F. Kneller Chair in Education and Anthropology, and Faculty in American Indian Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the A.W. Snell Professor of Education Policy Studies Emerita at Arizona State University. She began her work as an educational liaison for the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, and subsequently worked as a bilingual-bicultural curriculum developer on the Navajo Nation. As a faculty member at the University of Arizona, she co-directed the American Indian Language Development Institute, an international program for teachers, school administrators, Native community members, and university students in Indigenous language- and culture-based education and American Indian linguistics. A member of the National Academy of Education and a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association and the International Centre for Language Revitalisation, she is the former editor of the American Educational Research Journal and the current coeditor of the Journal of American Indian Education. Her books include A Place To Be Navajo—Rough Rock and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Indigenous Schooling, “To Remain an Indian”—Lessons in Democracy from a Century of Native American Education (with K.T. Lomawaima), Language Planning and Policy in Native America, Indigenous Youth and Multilingualism (with L.T. Wyman and S.E. Nicholas), Indigenous Language Revitalization in the Americas (with S.M. Coronel-Molina), and A World of Indigenous Languages: Politics, Pedagogies, and Prospects for Language Reclamation (with S.E. Nicholas and G. Wigglesworth). She is currently Principal Investigator on a national study of Indigenous-language immersion schooling funded by the Spencer Foundation.