Building a new generation of Indigenous scholars, teachers and leaders
Native Narratives and Graduate School Achievement Track: Preparing Indigenous Students for a Career in the Humanities and Academia (2019-2022)
$750,000 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Co-principal investigators: Bryan Brayboy (School of Social Transformation) and Natalie Diaz (English)
Gila River Indian Community Culture and Language Teacher Cohort (2015-2018)
$445,215 from Gila River Indian Community
Principal investigator: Bryan Brayboy
Co-principal investigator: Deborah Chadwick
The Pueblo Indian Doctoral Project (Cohort I 2012-2015 and Cohort II 2015-2019)
Support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, Chamiza Foundation, McCune Foundation
Co-principal investigators: Bryan Brayboy and Liz Sumida Huaman, in partnership with The Leadership Institute, Santa Fe Indian School
Gila River Early Educators Attaining Teaching Excellence (GRE2ATE) (2012-2016)
1.2 M Professional Development Grant from the U.S. Department of Education/Office of Indian Education Professional Development Grant from the U.S. Department of Education/Office of Indian Education
Principal investigator: Bryan Brayboy
Project director: Deborah Chadwick
E2textilies; Ethno Electronic Textile Designs for Broadening Participation in Computing for American Indian Youth (2012-2013)
$99,931 NSF- CISE- Computing and Communication Foundations
Principal investigator: Bryan Brayboy
The Arizona Four Corners Teacher Preparation Project (2010-2014)
$1.1M grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Indian Education
Principal investigator: Bryan Brayboy
Co-principal investigator: Teresa McCarty
Project director: Lindsey Cook
Project Mashchamtham: Native Early-Childhood Education Teachers for Arizona's Indian Children (2009-2013)
$1.3M grant from the U.S. Department of Education
Principal Investigator: Bryan Brayboy
Co-principal investigators: Mary Eunice Romero-Little, Elizabeth Blue Swadener
Project director: Deborah Chadwick
COMPUGIRLS: A Culturally Relevant Technology Program for Girls
$853,000 grant from NSF-EHR
Principal Investigator: Kimberly A. Scott
Co-principal Investigators: Bryan Brayboy, Elisabeth Hayes, Jenefer Husman, Sethuraman Panchanathan
Cultivating leading edge research grounded in Indigenous knowledge
Documenting Critically Endangered Mojave Bird Songs in Authentic Cultural Contexts (2011-2012)
$25,000 from NSF, Rapid Response Research grant (RAPID)
Principal Investigator: Teresa McCarty
School(ing) Girls: Localizing Transnational Gender Identities in Kenya's Maasailand (Spring 2011)
$12,000 seed grant, from Arizona State University's Institute for Humanities Research
Project directors: Larisa Warhol and Heather Switzer
Promising Practices and Partnerships in Indian Education: The Puente de Hózhó Case Study (2009-2011)
CIE-funded study (formerly under contract to Kauffman Associates Inc. of Spokane, Wash.), to address the mandate of Executive Order 13336 (April 30, 2004) to assess the role of Native language and culture on AI/AN student achievement.
Principal investigator: Teresa McCarty
Co-principal investigator: Bryan Brayboy